Bylaw draft
The first draft of the Sun Valley bylaws will be released and posted in August. Keep checking back to our website for further information.
The first draft of the Sun Valley bylaws will be released and posted in August. Keep checking back to our website for further information.
We are looking for pictures of lake activities and pictures from the lake to shore. If you have any pictures and would like to share them please email them to us.
The following is a copy of the Sun Valley Survey responses. Thank you to everyone who participated. Your input is greatly appreciated and will assist for future planning.
Sun Valley Survey Responses May 2017
The following is the first draft of the Community Plan for Sun Valley. All feedback should be in writing and submitted to the village office or by email by the end of July.
Printed copies are also available upon request for $2. Contact village office or any councillor.
The Sun Valley Council is seeking 5-7 volunteers to form a Community Centre Planning Committee. If you are interested to participate on this committee please email or call the Village Office.
A recent announcement by Sask Energy has confirmed that the natural gas line supplying the villages on the south side of Buffalo Pound Lake, which includes Sun Valley, has reached its capacity. At this time, any of the residents that paid to bring natural gas to their property in 1995 will be honored and will be eligible for hook-up. However, any new requests will be put on a waiting list until the infrastructure can be improved to increase the capacity. Therefore, we are surveying the village to see how many new hook-ups are anticipated. If there is enough demand the process to improve the supply of natural gas may be expedited. Consequently, if you anticipate the need to have natural gas at your property in the future, please notify the Sun Valley office by phone or email to be included on the list of potential customers.
A large bin has been placed on 7th St. Any garbage from Spring Cleaning that may not be appropriate for the regular bin can be disposed in this bin. This bin is provided for your convenience, once it is full it will be removed.
Pick-ups have been increased to” weekly” for the summer months.
We presently have one blue recycle bin. If more bins are required, we may increase the number of bins or the frequency of pick-ups